Signs of spring - 2013

Signs of Spring 2016
5/11/16 - Northern Parula
5/11/16 - Common Yellowthroat
5/11/16 - Baltimore Oriole
5/9/15 - Ruby-throated Hummingbird!
5/9/15 - Chestnut-sided Warbler
5/9/15 - Ovenbird
5/8/16 - Bobolink!
5/8/16 - Black-and-white Warbler
5/6/16 - Prairie Warbler
5/5/16 - Solitary Vireo
5/5/14 - Black-throated Green Warbler
4/29/16 - Catbird
4/23/16 - emerging Starflower, Canada mayflower and Wood anemone (just stalks and leaves)
4/22/16 - Hermit Thrush
4/21/16 - Yellow-rumped Warbler
4/13/16 - Greater Yellowlegs
4/12/16 - White-throated Sparrow
4/2/16 - Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
4/10/16 - Osprey
4/1/16 - Brown-headed Cowbird
3/31/16 - Spring peepers
3/31/16 - Northern Flicker
3/31/16 - Phoebe!
3/30/16 - Great Blue Heron in breeding plumage
3/26/16 - Wood frogs
3/20/16 - Crocuses bloom
3/14/16 - Fox Sparrow
3/14/16 - Song Sparrow
3/13/16 - American Woodcock
2/26/16 - Red-winged Blackbird
2/25/16 - Turkey Vulture
Signs of Spring 2017
5/4/17 - Black-throated Green Warbler
5/3/17 - Ruby-throated Hummingbird (female)
5/3/17 - Ovenbird
4/30/17 - Catbird
4/29/17 - Wood anemone buds
4/29/17 - Starflower leaves
4/29/17 - Canada mayflower spikes
4/29/17 - Blue-eyed Vireo (formerly Solitary Vireo)
4/27/17 - Hermit Thrush
4/23/17 - Tree Swallow
4/13/17 - Spring peepers
4/11/17 - Wood Frogs
4/9/17 - Brown-headed Cowbird
4/4/17 - Eastern Phoebe
4/3/17 - Fox Sparrow
3/5/17 - European Starling
3/5/17 - Song Sparrow
3/1/17 - Red-winged Black Bird
2/19/17 - Turkey Vulture
1/30/17 - Turkeys gobbling before dawn
Signs of Spring 2018
4/17/18 - Pine Warbler
4/13/18 - Wood Frog
4/13/18 - Hermit Thrush
4/13/18 - White-throated Sparrow
4/12/18 - spring peepers
4/9/18 - Osprey
3/29/18 - Phoebe
3/28/18 - Song Sparrow
2/28/18 - Fox Sparrow
2/24/18 - Turkey Vulture
2/23/18 - Turkeys gobbling before dawn
2/19/18 - Red-winged Blackbird
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