It was a goldfinch, starting to molt. Males shed their drab winter feathers as new bright feathers emerge. Yellow flecks hint at the gold to come. Molting is the great discombobulation that precedes the breathtaking elegance of a mature male in breeding plumage. Right now, they look kind of goofy, but it is a sure sign of spring. I know from past years that it seems like this transition happens in the blink of an eye. I'm ready though; it's been a long winter.
* * *
winter, my lanky fourteen year old boy would come home from
cross-country ski practice and eat. A couple of weeks ago, when
Andrew was just finished with ski season, he came home right after
school and told me “I need some exercise. I'm going out skiing.” That old frozen snowpack still lay on our fields, but the
temperature was near 40 degrees: the in-between season.